Title: This Is How It Always Is
Author: Laurie Frankel
Price: $9.00
ISBN: 9781472241597
Publisher: Headline Publishing Group
This edition published: 2017
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
This Is How It Always Is
This is how a family keeps a secret...and how that secret ends up keeping them.
This is how a family lives happily ever after...until happily ever after becomes complicated.
This is Claude. He's five years old, the youngest of five brothers, and loves peanut butter sandwiches. He also loves wearing a dress, and dreams of being a princess.
When he grows up, Claude says, he wants to be a girl.
Rosie and Penn want Claude to be whoever Claude wants to be. They're just not sure they're ready to share that with the world. Soon the entire family is keeping Claude's secret. Until one day it explodes.