Title: The Teacher's Secret
Author: Suzanne Leal
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9781760290559
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
This edition published: 2016
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
The Teacher's Secret
It's a new school year, and Terry Pritchard, assistant principal at Brindle Public School, is glad to be back. He loves all the kids but has a soft spot for the students who are struggling and vulnerable.
By the end of the term, however, Terry finds himself forced into an early retirement, which is as shocking to the school community as it is devastating to him.
Nina Foreman, still reeling from her recent separation and complications at her previous school, jumps at the chance to transfer to Brindle Public and take over Terry's class. There she is confronted by a group of resentful and disruptive students who hold her responsible for the abrupt departure of their much loved teacher.