Title: The Paper House
Author: Anna Spargo-Ryan
Price: $9.00
ISBN: 9781743535202
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
This edition published: 2016
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
The Paper House
Heather and Dave have found the perfect place to raise their first child. The house has character, but it's the garden that really makes it: red-faced impatiens, pockmarked gums, six upright pittosporums to keep the neighbours out. It's a jungle. A hiding place. A refuge.
And then, without warning, that life is over.
Heartbreaking, fearless, and ablaze with a coruscating beauty all its own, The Paper House tells the story of a woman sinking into the depths of grief, and the desperate efforts of her loved ones to bring her up for air. A sharp-eyed, bittersweet depiction of the love between parents and children, and the havoc that love can wreak.