Title: The Lord's Day
Author Name: Michael Dobbs
Price: $8.00
ISBN: 9780755326877
Publisher: Headline Publishing Group
Year Published: 2007
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
The Lord's Day
The State Opening of Parliament. The most magnificent royal occasion of the year. The Queen, her Cabinet and all the most powerful people in the land are gathering in one room, the historic House of Lords. Then terrorists strike, holding every one of them hostage. Not all of them will survive.
It is Britain's day of torment, with every moment unfolding on live television. The world holds its breath as it waits to see who will be the next to die.
Harry Jones is already having the worst day of his life when he gets swept up in this madness. He has no weapons, then the terrorists take the clothes off his back. But Harry Jones is not like others. He is a man who hates being pushed around.
And he has only hours to save his Queen.