Title: The Boy in the Yellow Dress
Author: Victor Marsh
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9781742984087
Publisher: Clouds of Magellan
This edition published: 2014
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
The Boy in the Yellow Dress
In Perth, Western Australia, in the 1950s, a sissy boy is rejected by his father. He stumbles through a confusing sexual awakening into the hippie haze of the early seventies, when his spiral into psychedelic oblivion is interrupted by a rude encounter with the police. Soon after, a meeting with a young guru shows him that what he has been looking for can only be found within.
Part family tragedy, part existential comedy, The Boy in the Yellow Dress is a warts-and-all account of exile and the subsequent journey homewards that is less about finding a respectable place in the world than an intimate connection with the ultimate source of being.