Title: Seven Types of Ambiguity
Author: Elliot Perlman
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9780143784487
Publisher: Vintage
This edition published: 2017
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
Seven Types of Ambiguity
The story is told in seven parts, by six different narrators, whose lives are entangled in unexpected ways. Following years of unrequited love, an out-of-work schoolteacher decides to take matters into his own hands, triggering a chain of events that neither he nor his psychiatrist could have anticipated.
Brimming with emotional, intellectual, and moral dilemmas, this novel-reminiscent of the richest fiction of the nineteenth century in its labyrinthine complexity-unfolds at a rapid-fire pace to reveal the full extent to which these people have been affected by one another and by the insecure and uncertain times in which they live. Our times, now.