Title: Second Glance
Author: Jodi Picoult
Price: $7.00
ISBN: 9781741142440
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Year published: 2004
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Fairly good condition
Second Glance
When a plot of land is being developed in Vermont against the will of a local Native American tribe, strange things begin to happen - and Ross Wakeman, a paranormal investigator, is asked to get involved. He's a desperate drifter who's taken up ghost hunting in an effort to cross paths again with his fiancee, who died in a car crash eight years ago, but he has yet to experience anything even remotely paranormal.
Then Ross meets Lia . . . As a seventy-year-old murder case is reopened, a shocking secret about a crime of passion long past is revealed.