Title: Notes from a Turkish Whorehouse
Author: Philip O'Ceallaigh
Price: $9.00
ISBN: 9780141029023
Publisher: Penguin Books
This edition published: 2007
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
Notes from a Turkish Whorehouse
A performance artist opens his chest and displays his beating heart on stage. A young man walks through the hills of south-west Romania, where the locals have peculiar ideas about gold. On the morning of a medical examination, a woman tries to coax her husband off the roof. A smuggler pays off an old debt to his sister and resigns himself to a life of honest toil in the mine-shafts of his home town. A mysterious rodent named Brigitte enters the lives of two old men. And, in the astonishing long story 'In the Neighbourhood', the inhabitants of a crumbling tower-block go about their business, unforgettably.