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Title: The Voyagers
Author Name: Mardi McConnochie
Price: $8.00
ISBN: 9780670075966
Publisher: Penguin Group
Year Published: 2011
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback 
Condition: Good condition

The Voyagers

  • All he had to do was look carefully enough, ask the right questions, find the right people, keep sailing on, and he would find her.

    In 1943, on three precious days of shore leave, US marine/navy officer Stead arrives in Sydney Harbour to find Marina, a woman with whom he shared three magical days before the war. But Marina is gone, and has been missing for almost five years.

    So begins an utterly compelling journey – across the seas and the great stages of the war – as Stead retraces the steps of the one woman he has truly loved.

    From London after the Blitz to booming Shanghai and fallen Singapore, The Voyagers is a love story like no other. An unforgettable and truly breathtaking novel of heartbreak, courage and unwavering love.

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