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Title: The Van Apfel Girls Are Gone

Author: Felicity McLean

Price: $10.00

ISBN: 9781460755068

Publisher: Fourth Estate

This edition published: 2019

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

The Van Apfel Girls Are Gone

  • Tikka Molloy was eleven and one-sixth years old during the long hot summer of 1992, growing up in an isolated suburb in Australia surrounded by encroaching bushland. That summer, the hottest on record, was when the Van Apfel sisters - Hannah, the beautiful Cordelia and Ruth - mysteriously disappeared during the school's Showstopper concert, held at the outdoor amphitheatre by the river. Did they run away? Were they taken? While the search for the sisters unites the small community, the mystery of their disappearance has never been solved.

    Now, years later, Tikka has returned home and is beginning to make sense of that strange moment in time. The summer that shaped her. The girls that she never forgot.

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