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Title: The Gulf

Author: Anna Spargo-Ryan

Price: $10.00

ISBN: 9781743537176

Publisher: Pan Macmillan

This edition published: 2017

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

The Gulf

  • "He found an egg at the park so he incubated it and this tortoise hatched out."

    Skye’s sixteen, and her mum’s got yet another new boyfriend. Trouble is, Jason’s bad news. Really bad. Now Mum’s quit her job and they’re all moving north to Port Flinders, population nobody.

    "That's a Southern Right Whale. They have the largest balls of any animal in the world."

    She’d do anything to keep her ten-year-old brother safe. Things she can’t even say out loud. And when Jason gets violent, Skye knows she has to take control. She’s got to get Ben out and their mum’s useless as. The train home to Adelaide leaves first thing each morning and they both need to be on it. Everything else can wait.

    "Ladybirds bleed from their knees when they're stressed."

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