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Title: The Girl Who Beat ISIS: My Story

Author: Farida Khalaf

Price: $10.00

ISBN: 9781910931028

Publisher: Penguin Random House

This edition published: 2016

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

The Girl Who Beat ISIS: My Story

  • In August 2014, Farida, like any ordinary teenage girl, was enjoying the summer holidays before her last year at school. But Farida lived in the mountains of northern Iraq — and what happened next was unimaginable. Her village was an ISIS target.

    ISIS jihadists murdered the men and boys, including her father and brother, before taking Farida and the other women prisoner. This is the story of what happened to Farida after she was captured: the beatings, the rapes, the markets where ISIS sold women like cattle, and Farida's realisation that the more resistant she became, the harder it was for her captors to continue their atrocities against her.

    Farida struggled, she bit, she kicked, she accused her captors of going against their religion, until, one day, the door to her room was left unlocked. She took her chance and, with five younger girls in her charge, fled into the Syrian desert.

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