Title: Cider with Rosie
Author: Laurie Lee
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9780099285663
Publisher: Vintage
This edition published: 2002
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
Cider with Rosie
At all times wonderfully evocative and poignant, Cider With Rosie is a charming memoir of Laurie Lee's childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a world that is tangibly real and yet reminiscent of a now distant past. In this idyllic pastoral setting, unencumbered by the callous father who so quickly abandoned his family responsibilities, Laurie's adoring mother becomes the centre of his world as she struggles to raise a growing family against the backdrop of the Great War. The sophisticated adult author's retrospective commentary on events is endearingly juxtaposed with that of the innocent, spotty youth, permanently prone to tears and self-absorption.