Title: Bleeding Heart Square
Author Name: Andrew Taylor
Price: $9.00
ISBN: 9780718147501
Publisher: Penguin Group
Year Published: 2000
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
Bleeding Heart Square
1934, London
Into the decaying cul-de-sac of Bleeding Heart Square steps aristocratic Lydia Langstone fleeing an abusive marriage. However, unknown to Lydia, a dark mystery haunts Bleeding Heart Square. What happened to Miss Penhow, the middle-aged spinster who owns the house and who vanished four years earlier? Why is a seedy plain-clothes policeman obsessively watching the square? What is making struggling journalist Rory Wentwood so desperate to contact Miss Penhow?
And why are parcels of rotting hearts being sent to Joseph Serridge, the last person to see Miss Penhow alive?