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Title: As Darkness Falls
Author Name: Bronwyn Parry
Price: $9.00
ISBN: 9780733624155
Publisher: Hachette
Year Published: 2009
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback 
Condition: Good condition

As Darkness Falls

  • On the edge of the outback the landscape can hide many secrets...

    Haunted by her past, Detective Isabelle O'Connell is recalled to duty to investigate the abduction of a child from her home town. She and DCI Alec Goddard have only days to find the girl alive, with few clues, a town filled with suspects and a vast wilderness to search. It quickly becomes a game of cat and mouse, with Isabelle directly in the killer's sights.

    For Isabelle, this case is already personal. For Alec, his best intentions to keep it purely professional soon dissolve as his anguish over Isabelle's safety moves beyond concern for a colleague. Their mutual attraction leaves them both vulnerable to their private nightmares - nightmares the killer ruthlessly exploits.

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