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Title: A Possible Life

Author: Sebastian Faulks

Price: $11.00

ISBN: 9780091936815

Publisher: Hutchinson

This edition published: 2012

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

A Possible Life

  • In Second World War Poland, a young prisoner closes his eyes and pictures going to bat on a sunlit English cricket ground.

    Across the yard of a Victorian poorhouse, a man is too ashamed to acknowledge the son he gave away.

    In a 19th-century French village, an old servant understands - suddenly and with awe - the meaning of the Bible story her master is reading to her.

    On a summer evening in the Catskills in 1971, a skinny girl steps out of a Chevy with a guitar and with a song that will send shivers through her listeners' skulls.

    A few years from now, in Italy, a gifted scientist discovers links between time and the human brain and between her lover's novel and his life.

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