Title: A Lonely Girl is a Dangerous Thing
Author: Jessie Tu
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9781760877194
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Year published: 2020
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
A Lonely Girl is a Dangerous Thing
Jena Chung plays the violin. She was once a child prodigy and now uses sex to fill the void left by fame. She's struggling a little. Her professional life comprises rehearsals, concerts, auditions and relentless practice; her personal life is spent managing family demands, those of her creative friends, and lots of sex. Jena is selfish, impulsive and often behaves badly, though mostly only to her own detriment. And then she meets Mark – much older and worldly-wise – who bewitches her. Could this be love?
When Jena is awarded an internship with the New York Philharmonic, she thinks the life she has dreamed of is about to begin. But when Trump is elected, New York changes irrevocably and Jena along with it. Is the dream over? With echoes of Frances Ha, Jena's favourite film, truths are gradually revealed to her.