Title: The One Who Got Away
Author Name: Caroline Overington
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9780732299743
Publisher: Harper Collins
Year Published: 2016
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Very good condition
The One Who Got Away
Loren Wynne-Estes appears to have it all: she's the girl from the wrong side of the tracks who's landed a handsome husband, a stunning home, a fleet of shiny cars and two beautiful daughters....
Then one day a fellow parent taps Loren on the shoulder outside the grand school gate, hands her a note...and suddenly everything's at stake.
Loren's Facebook-perfect marriage is spectacularly exposed--revealing an underbelly of lies and betrayal. What is uncovered will scandalise a small town, destroy lives, and leave a family divided.
But who is to be believed and who is to blame? Will the right person be brought to justice or is there one who got away?