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Title: A Book of American Martyrs

Author: Joyce Carol Oates

Price: $10.00

ISBN: 9780008221713

Publisher: Fourth Estate

This edition published: 2007

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

A Book of American Martyrs

  • Luther Dunphy is an ardent Evangelical who envisions himself as acting out God's will when he assassinates an abortion provider in his small Ohio town while Augustus Voorhees, the idealistic doctor who is killed, leaves behind a wife and children scarred and embittered by grief.

    In her moving, insightful portrait, Joyce Carol Oates fully inhabits the perspectives of two interwoven families whose destinies are defined by their warring convictions and squarely-but with great empathy-confronts an intractable, abiding rift in American society.

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