Being a writer as well as a reader, I’m obsessed with and fascinated by other writer’s desks and where they work. I love knowing where my favourite authors wrote their novels (and also where they like to curl up and read). There’s something so inspiring about gazing at the photos of their work spaces and imagining them bringing to life the stories that I love. I have a gorgeous stack of books on authors at home, at their desks, in their gardens (I like to think of myself as an amateur gardener, when I actually have the time to get out into the wilderness of our garden) and it’s amazing how just flicking through the pages of these books gives me the inspiration I sometimes need when I’m in a writing slump. It’s also led me to discover “new” writers whose books I’ve bought and love.
I think it’s becoming more common than ever for readers to be just as curious about the life of the writer and not just the books they write. And the nerd in me can’t get enough of seeing my favourite writer’s desks, the rooms they write and read in, and the shelves of books that line the walls of their homes.
The photo above is of Vita Sackville West’s writing desk at Sissinghurst Castle. She’s one of my favourite authors, and although I wasn’t able to visit Sissinghurst when I was in England several years back, I am hoping to get there one day (when we can all hopefully travel again) and visit this incredible and inspired space.